10 companies




    Here, you will learn everything you need to know about energy suppliers, including how to compare prices and switch providers, among other things. Consumers are separated into two categories: those who compare, switch, and save money, and those who stay loyal and overpay. We've also heard of customers who overpaid, found a lower deal, and informed their long-term store of their intention to transfer, only to be offered huge recurring discounts to keep them as a client. Don't be staunch; by comparing and switching providers, you can save money. You almost certainly will.
    Although no organization is perfect, we believe that an electricity supplier who confesses its faults and strives to offer fair service to customers helps both customers and the deregulated energy market. Even if corporations are unwilling to accept responsibility, we want the market competition to force them to improve. This will be made possible by customer feedback from people like you who use electricity. You might go with the cheapest provider, but unless you're on the right plan, you could end up paying too much.