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Green Energy


    Green Energy

    So, exactly what is green energy?
    Green energy, often referred to as renewable energy, is any type of energy derived from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, or water. Renewable energy gets its name from the fact that it is naturally replenished and does not harm the environment.
    Green energy comes in a variety of forms.
    Green energy is classified into three types;
    The Sun is ranked first. The most extensively used green energy source is solar energy. Photovoltaic cells, which capture sunlight and convert it to electricity, are widely employed to supply this widely available renewable energy source. Solar energy is now sufficiently economical to be used in the home.
    The Wind comes second.  Wind energy is generated by harnessing the power of the world's airflow to propel turbines that generate electricity. This green energy is best suited to offshore and high-altitude settings.
    The water is ranked third. Another name for it is hydroelectric power. Green energy is generated by harnessing the flow of water in rivers, streams, dams, and other bodies of water. On a modest scale, hydro-power can be generated by using water flowing through pipes in the home, or by evaporation, rainfall, or ocean tides.